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13.3H. Grade Quarter Horse. Gelding.

$5,500 - SOLD in 3 hours! 

If you want the best deal of the year on a pony you can throw ANYONE on, you better act quick…. This pony will fly out of the barn faster then you can say … B A R G A I N!

“Cash” has been used for summer kids camp, ranch chores, lessons, and guest trail rides! He is as safe, quiet, and HONEST of a gelding as they come. Cash is a 2013, grade QH, standing right at 13.3 – yes he is a small horse/large pony! Still big enough for Daddy to hop on and pasture rope, whilst small enough to pack little Suzie around the farm. He will ride all day long on a loose rein out on the ranch, just point him where you want to go!  I can’t find a single thing to spook this boy; he is truly ‘BOMBPROOF’. Tarps, flags, loud commotion, traffic, bridges, water – he does it all, and will go anywhere. You can take him off property and he will fall asleep tied to the trailer and then ride off like he has been there a million times. He will trail ride alone and with friends, and will navigate over fallen branches/ bridges/ponds.

He just got a tune-up and is soft in the bridle, goes around super cute and fancy. Would love to see him go to a Pony Clubber – I just think he would be adorable over fences (no we have not jumped him).  We have laid him down, roped off him, fiddled with him on the barrels at kids camp, rode him downtown, ridden on 500 acre ranches, and really put him through all the paces. He is super willing and ready for whatever you have in mind. He tolerates crazy kid shenanigans and does not have a mean bone in his body. This gelding has no buck/rear/bolt to him. He is super kind, forgiving, and gentle. If you can sit up and hold the reins, you can surely ride this guy.  He has a basic lil handle to him – he picks up his leads, stops, backs, and collects in the bridle. Goes great in a d ring snaffle, jr cowhorse, or a dog bone Dutton bit!

He is barefoot, no soundness issues, does have a cosmetic blemish on his back leg from the rope getting caught around it, easy keeper, loads, backs out of a trailer, ties, bathes, stands to be saddled, quiet to mount etc. He is not aggressive and gets along with other well – he actually has a playful personality in the pasture! He was weird about fly spray when he first arrived, and would step sideways,  but is now desensitized to it. I haven’t found a single thing that I dislike about him, the little fella has actually really grown on me while he has been here!  You can catch him in a wide-open pasture, and ride him up bareback in a halter!  He has just had his feet trimmed, dental performed by a licensed equine dentist this week, and a new coggins pulled. Here is a great buy for a lesson program, family with kids, dude ranch, kids camp, or a grandma looking for a short horse. You won’t find another like him at his price. Cash is located in Terrell, TX. Shipping can be arranged anywhere in the Country.

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Lily Bragg, Owner


Terrell, TX 

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